State of the Art
The use of non-metallic lightweight structures for critical applications in SOLAS ships remains very limited despite several successful technology demonstrations. This includes recent advances in fields such as bio composites and fire-retardant materials. However, relevant industry test data is lacking to support the use of such materials in maritime applications. Furthermore, production, assembly and outfitting processes are not sufficiently developed for shipyard needs. As such, steel structures continue to dominate.
Development of an integrated lightweight panel system for a competitive price with excellent fire, thermal and acoustic properties. This system will include weight saving and reduction of mounting time combining multiple options of interior outfitting applications using for external structural components.
Sustainable lightweight components using bio-based and other innovative materials was assessed for maritime use. These integrated a range of functionality including reduced weight, equivalent fire safety (to steel), and improved thermal and acoustic insulation. The development focused on the up-scaled production of panel-based structures, including connecting and outfitting elements for efficient assembly and installation. The target fire class is up to A-60 and B-30 (minutes to withstand fire), with a thermal conductivity < 0.4 W/mK, and a weighted sound reduction index > 38 dB.
To solve the fire problem of composite material, a new development concept is made of PFA resin derived from bio-resources with non-combustible, durable and resilient core material. The new concept shows some very promising results in terms of mechanical and fire performance. The new concept of material was used as the lightweight component for building an onshore demonstrator and a sunroof demonstrator. Moreover, a car deck panel by using the old concept which is using PFA and balsa core was provided.
A wide range of applications in ships (decks, bulkheads, walls) and offshore are feasible. Potential also in rail vehicles and buildings as well as significant greening potential through bio-based and recyclable/reusable materials and components are provided.